Red Potato Salad

Since I turned 26, I’ve really started feel the downwards trend in my metabolism. I have been starting to feel a little more tubby and bloated. I usually don’t like diets, but my eating habits have been so out of control recently given my school schedule. I have to say, I definitely do not feel well. SO… I’m going to start searching for healthier recipes, with the exception of holidays. Fingers crossed that I’m good for my word.

Speaking of holidays, this last weekend was July 4th. Since I was so proud to be an American, I decided to make one of the most American things I could think of–potato salad with bacon! The recipe that I found online is probably one of the most loaded potato salads I have ever seen.  It was one of  those full on artery-clogging-STEMI-inducing sort of recipe.  Sorry, 8 weeks of rotation, I have to drop a pharmacy related joke in there somewhere.  If I was only making this for myself, I’d leave the bacon out.  I don’t like bacon. Yup, I said it.  Boos and hisses all around.

To be perfectly honest, the recipe came out much better than I expected.  Although, if someone were to ask me about this recipe, I would equate this to making fried rice–too much work for one dish.   The prep work takes forever and although the ingredients are not that expensive there are too many of them; it is a hassle to buy and put together.  This recipe actually will probably make about 3/4 of gallon of potato salad.  I actually doubled this recipe and came out with about a gallon and a half of potato salad.  Good thing my friends are good eaters.


  • 2 lbs of red potatoes
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 lb of bacon
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 1 stalk of celery, finely chopped
  • 2 cups of mayonnaise
  • salt and pepper to taste


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil and add potatoes. Cook until tender and refrigerate. Remember not to over cook them! We don’t want mashed potatoes.

2. Boil all 6 eggs.  As soon as the water comes to a boil. remove from heat. You can add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the water as it is boiling (trick to make egg-peeling easier). Rinse in cold water and let stand for 10 minutes (trick #2 to make egg-peeling easier). photo 1

3. Place bacon in large skillet.  Cook over medium to high heat until it is evenly brown. Aww yea, you know you’re going to start drooling. I don’t even like bacon but this picture looks good to me. Crumble, chop, and lay it aside.

photo (3)

4. Chop the cooled potatoes, leaving skin on. Mix potatoes, eggs, celery, bacom, onion, 2 cups of mayo in a large bowl.

photo 3

5. Chill for at least an hour before serving

photo 4

photo 5

About Tiffany Huang

- Abounding sin is the terror of the world, but abounding grace is the hope of mankind. -A.W. Tozer
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