Longan Agar Dessert

Hangry=Hungry+Angry. It’s a thing.

One tip I have for individuals who suffer from hangriness–don’t squash your hunger, feed it with healthy things/healthier options. For me, I’ve been making myself a healthy smoothie or finding a dessert with less sugar.  Here is one recipe from my childhood.  Now, I’ll have to admit, it’s a little bit of an acquired taste since it includes a tropical fruit and it is more Taiwanese. Longan is as also known as “the dragon’s eye.” The only way I can describe it is that it’s a cousin of the Lychee fruit.  It has a sweet yet earthy flavor. This dessert is super easy.  If you can make Top Ramen, you can make this.


  1. ~1 cup (7-8oz) dried Longan  (you can also do this with any diced fresh/dry fruit you enjoy)
  2. Agar powder
  3. Muffin Tin (makes about 16)

*You can buy these in any 99 Ranch or any Asian super market



  1. Boil 6 cups of water and bring to a simmer.
  2. Pour the cup of Longan or fruit into the pot.  If you’re using dried products, boil for 1 minute.  For fresh fruits, about 30 seconds will do.
  3. Pour the packet of powder in and stir until all of the powder is dissolved
  4. Ladle the mix into each muffin tin and let cool for about 2 hours. Refrigerate and serve.


About Tiffany Huang

- Abounding sin is the terror of the world, but abounding grace is the hope of mankind. -A.W. Tozer
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