

Stats & Facts:

Name: Tiffany

Favorite cooking tool: Food processor

Favorite Knife: J.A. Henckels 8″ chef knife

Favorite Recipe to date: Carrot Pineapple Cake

Favorite smell: Coffee

Favorite Ingredient: Unsweetened Cacao powder

The Beginning:

Several years ago, I sat on the steps of WPH building at USC and cried after failing my Chemistry II final exam. There’s no sense in crying I had thought to myself so I got up and marched myself to the career center.  ”I can’t be a doctor because I failed my class. I need a career change now”  I said abruptly to the career counselor.   The counselor looked at me nervously as she administered the test.   After the test, the counselor asked to see me the next day with my results.  She had a list of careers she ranked according to the personality test.  Excited, I asked her, “ Great! So what is it? Am I meant to be a lawyer, a business woman, doctor perhaps?”  She glared at me and said, “Your #1 came out to be a chef. According to the Briggs-Meyers and Jung personality test, you were meant to cook.” I stared daggers through her and left very disappointed.  I had always thought I would be a powerful woman doctor that would rise so far to the top that no one could bring me down. To hear that from the counselor, well, it was disappointing.  That was my snapshot memory of that moment.


I’m working my way towards a Pharmacy doctorate degree. I always look back on that snapshot moment of my life when I was a 20 year old–lost without understanding that God knew exactly what was best for me.  I never guessed that the Lord would combine passion and knowledge into my career. I believe that this is something the Lord has sovereignly placed in my life. I’m still mixing things, just not flour, chocolates, but medication. At that time, even though I was infuriated by what the counselor had shared with me, and I never did become a chef, what she said stuck to me. I love to cook, to mix, to fry, to chop.   I found a way to have everything and channeled my passion for food into a cooking blog.

Why do I love my kitchen?

I love to smell things, to taste things, to manipulate flavors.  In reality, I’m a pretty square person.  I play by the rules and I don’t mess around.  I guess that makes me ideal for my career because if I were to “try” things someone could get hurt.  The kitchen is my realm. I can explore, I can allocate, and I can make whatever I want.  Best of all, the kitchen allows me to bring people happiness.

 What is this blog about?

This blog contains all of the recipes I’ve used.  Most of them I’ve pulled from websites or the internet and modified them accordingly.  I’d like to thank all of the genius minds, the grandmothers, mothers, and everyone else who gave me the baseline of all of my recipes. I hope you all enjoy this blog!

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