Category Archives: H’ordeurve

Baked Spinach Bread Bowls

Entertaining a hungry crowd on July 4th isn’t easy.  The key to running a successful party is being efficient and resourceful.  It sounds dumb but someone has to state the obvious: reduce cost but make them feel like they’re getting … Continue reading

Posted in Appetizer, Dip, First time, H'ordeurve, Quick Meals | Tagged | Leave a comment

Wedding Bells on the Horizon…

March madness is upon us and when I say March Madness, I’m referring to the large amount of love birds that are getting hitched. In about a week or so, 4 of us bridesmaids have been tasked to put together … Continue reading

Posted in Beverage, carrots, cupcake, dessert, Experimental, First time, H'ordeurve | Leave a comment